Pomegranate Soup

Serves 4 Ingredients Method

1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped

1 medium leek, thinly sliced

1 oz of butter

1 tblsp of flour

1 1⁄4 pint of chicken stock

2 pomegranates

1⁄2 stp cinnamon

Grated rind of 1 lemon

1 tblsp chopped chives Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Fry the onion and leek in the butter for 2 minutes. Stir in the flour and cook for 40 seconds. Gradually add the stock, stirring continuously. Cut the pomegranates in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds and juice. Add 3⁄4 of the pomegranate seeds to the soup, together with the cinnamon, lemon rind, chives and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to the boil, cover the pan and simmer for 15 minutes until the leek is soft. Stir in the remaining pomegranate seeds and serve.