Heart Shaped Plum Mousses

Serves 4 Ingredients Method

3⁄4 lb stoned, ripe plums,

halved Juice of one orange

1⁄4 pint of double cream

2oz caster sugar

2 tsp powedered gelatine

2 tblsp water Crystallised grapes

Grease four heart shaped moulds. Put the plums into a pan with orange juice and cook gently until soft. Puree the cooked fruit and cool. Mix the plum puree with the lightly whipped cream and the caster sugar. Dissolve the gelatine in the water. Blend into the plum mixture. Once the mixture thickens, pour into the moulds and chill until set. Unmould onto small plates and decorate with crystallised grapes. To crystallise grapes, dip them into beaten egg whites and then into caster sugar. Allow to dry.