Baked Stuffed Mini Pumpkins

Serves 4 Ingredients Method
4 miniature pumpkins225g baby spinach leaves

2tbls sunblush tomatoes

200g feta cheese, crumbled

200g chorizo sausage, diced

1 tin of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

Salt and pepper

Bake pumpkins in the oven and bake for about 30-45 minutes at 180°C until tender. Check by prodding with a dinner knife. Pumpkins should be tender but not collapsing.
Fry the chorizo until crispy in a non stick pan.
Add the chickpeas, sunblush tomatoes and spinach and heat through in the chorizo oil. Season.
Slice the ‘lid’ off the pumpkin. Scrape out all the seeds very well with a spoon.
Spoon in the filling and sprinkle with feta cheese.
Replace the ‘lid’ and serve with extra filling on the side.